SB1383 - The Organic Waste Recovery Bill

Help Your Business Comply with SB1383

Hunger at Home’s founder has over twenty years of leadership experience in the hospitality business, so we understand the needs of our business partners. Our team knows how to make it easy for your business to safely donate food and be compliant with SB 1383.

  1. We make sure the food we pick up gets directly to those in need.
  2. We provide metrics for reporting, including type of food collected, total pounds collected and frequency of donations.
  3. We are a conduit between local businesses and a network of nonprofit food pantries feeding families throughout Silicon Valley.
  4. We help businesses manage inventory, save on disposal costs, reduce carbon pollution, methane gas emissions and water waste.
  5. We help companies achieve corporate social responsibility goals at reasonable prices.

As of January 1, 2024 the following businesses must comply: 

  1. Grocery stores (10,000+ sq. ft.)
  2. Food service providers
  3. Food distributors
  4. Wholesale food vendors
  5. Restaurants (5,000 sq. ft. or 250+ seats)
  6. Hotels with on-site food facility and 200+ rooms
  7. Health facilities with on-site food facility and 100+ beds
  8. Large venues and events
  9. State agencies with cafeteria(5,000 sq. ft. or 250+ seats)
  10. Local education agencies with an on-site food facility


For more information about becoming a business partner with Hunger at Home, please contact